Results for subject term "Industry": 5
The Public Works of the Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company
The Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company was widely regarded as one of the largest of its era. With thousands of workers producing millions of shoes a year, Endicott-Johnson was one of the premier United States shoe manufactures throughout the early to mid…
Shaker Furniture Production at Mount Lebanon
Shaker furniture is renowned for its simple lines, graceful proportions, and refined aesthetic, qualities that were shaped by the belief system of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing. Shaker furniture forms were derived…
Little Journeys: Music at Roycroft
With an abrupt shift away from his lucrative stint in the soap business, Elbert Hubbard followed his passion for writing and began a literary career in 1893. After enrolling at Harvard, Hubbard soon realized his disdain for the inaccessibility of…
The Forge
The Forge or Metal Shop, built in 1903, was the primary location for metalworking at the Byrdcliffe Art Colony. According to a 1907 brochure, The Forge was a large and accommodating three-room structure for the use of artisans. “The largest room is…
The Bottega
“The community must earn its food and raiment, and to this end will want to sell part of its produce” Ralph Radcliffe Whitehead wrote in Grass of the Desert. “Consider the future of the arts when wood, and wool and brass and leather are worked…